So, no offense to anyone, but I'm going to name things other than family. I don't want to leave anyone out, and I could easily fill this Thursday 13 with nothing but people I love. I will, however list Leila...like you didn't already know that.
1. Leila. 'Nuf said.
2. Venti, iced, nonfat, decaf tuxedo mochas. I will take them from Starbuck's, Caffino, Peet's, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf... I don't discriminate.
3. Spencer Christian from "View from the Bay" and the ABC7 News. I'm not sure why, but I just think he's great! I love how he tells nubby, little jokes and cracks himself up.
4. Bellinis - Dana, you know what I'm talking about
5. Mani/Pedis...I have to go every other week, and it's not a luxury. It is a necessity.
6. Makeup, especially lip gloss
7. Sharks. Not the San Jose Sharks, but the vicious, man-eating, predators of the sea. I live for shark week, and every time I go snorkeling I secretly hope I'll run into a shark.
8. The fact that my hubby is a firefighter. Not only is it an extremely noble job, but he has a great schedule, and have you seen him in a uniform? Ladies - back off, he's mine!
9. Getting my eyebrows threaded. It doesn't hurt, it's cheap, and my sister-in-law can always tell when they're freshly done. She calls them my "movie star eyebrows."
10. The word "fabulous" Tony totally makes fun of me, but whatev.
11. Taking pictures. Although I do need a new digital camera...I've dropped mine a few too many times
12. A nice glass of wine after Leila has gone to bed for the night. Delish!
13. My purses. I've got a fabulous collection, and sometimes when I'm feeling blah I will just go in my closet and look at them. My favorite is my Marc Jacobs "Venetia" bag in teal. ("Spearmint" is what MJ calls it.) I *heart* it.
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