Just curious....if you have two (or more) kiddos and your first (or second, or third, etc.) was very different from your previous pregnancy was your next child the same or opposite sex of your first child? Everyone keeps saying I'm going to have a boy, because I'm carrying super high up and with Leila I was carrying low, also I've been sick a lot this pregnancy and not at all with Leila. I'm still thinking girl. We'll find out on October 8th who is right!

I only have one so I can't offer much advice but I still vote boy...just because when I was 17 weeks I couldn't see my toes either. Those boy bellies just stick straight out. :) Can't wait to hear!
I have 3 girls and ever time it was different. with #1 and #3 I was sick but not dysfunctional. with #2 I was out of comission to the world until 20 weeks. I carried all of them differently. Gigantic all in the front middle with #1 Low and not so out there with #2 and #3 was just huge! LOL
Cant wait to hear what you are having!!!
i was told by EVERYONE-perfect strangers and friends-that i was having a boy. apparently, they all told me that boys make you sicker, and with boys your belly sticks straight out and you carry high. you definitely sound like you're having a boy. but, if its a girl, you will definitely confirm what everyone says about "every pregnancy is different."
I felt great when I was expecting you the entire time,however I had heartburn all the time with your brother. I also gained half the weight with him but my belly was huge!!!! I'm am pulling for a boy because I love having one of each. You also did not want a baby sister at all. Too funny.
Love, Mom
this is #2 for me as well, I'm 19 weeks with another boy and wasn't sick with either one. My belly, butt, hips.. everything is bigger this time around! #2 deff. shows qucker then baby #1. Hope things get easier for you! Hang in there
I have 2 boys and both prgnancies were different...from sickness to the shape/size of my belly. A new life is sooo exciting. :) Congratulations!!
I had 3...girl, boy, girl and all the pregnancies were pretty much the same. Carried the same...did not look pregnant from behind. No sickness, no heartburn.
No advice. I am just hoping your wrong and it is a boy lol ;)
I think you know this already- but I had very different pregnancies... at least in the 1st trimester- and ended up w/ different genders. :)
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