Saturday, November 21, 2009

Opinions, please!

I'm going to be in a holiday boutique in a few weeks and a lot of parents of kids various ages will be there.  Do you think I should make Twilight-inspired neckalces to sell there?  I'm thinking something simple - one "Team Jacob" with a wolf charm and a "Team Edward" with a lion charm.  (Maybe even a "Team Bella" with a lamb charm.  Are there even any big Bella fans?)

So, please weigh in.  I'd appreciate some input.



Wendy said...

I think if their are moms of teenage firls the necklaces would sell well. I probably wouldn't make Bella as I don't think they would sell as well as the Team Jacob/Edward ones. You could make one that says I *heart* Twilight. Or even a Mrs. Edward Cullen one might be cute.

I wouldn't even be surprised if some of the moms buy them for themselves judging by the crowd at the midnight showing I went to. I think the average age there was about 30.

Tara said...

if there are moms of tween or teen girls there, i would definitely make some. all my cousins (ages 12-22) are OBSESSED. they would be the first ones to buy you completely out of stock of those necklaces. i think they would sell very well, if its the right crowd!

Steffens Family said...

Yes - great idea! I like the idea of the Mrs. Edward Cullen charm instead of a Team Bella.

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...

Ooh - I like the idea of a "Mrs. Edward Cullen" one too - maybe with an apple charm? Or no charm??

Not a big fan of Bella....

heicoc said...

I'm sure you would sell them my daughter is obsessed I would love to see the Team Jacob one with the wolf...since that is who my daughter likes especially after seeing New Moon!

Anonymous said...

What if you did a I heart vampires or I heart werewolves necklace? I think it is a great idea. it is a craze right now so I would take advantage of it if I were you :)

Gina said...

I agree with all the other commenters!

Ashley Newell said...

I heart Twilight and I might consider getting a necklace. Though I do know some people that would love them! Let me know, maybe we could do a special EIC Twilight challenge or something!

mel @ the larson lingo said...

As a middle school teacher, I can tell you that 7th grade girls are OBSESSED with twilight & would totally want a twilight necklace. I would go with Team Edward, Team Jacob & Mrs Edward Cullen. Probably wouldn't do the Team Bella charm!


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