C R A Z Y !!!
Unfortunately I had to do my one-hour glucose test that morning. (Ugh. That always sucks, but it especially sucks when you're missing out on a snow day with the family.) Tony, Lulu and Sugar drove about ten minutes and found a ton of snow to play in! (Ramon stayed home, as he does not like any weather below 70 degrees.) We always joke about Sugar being a little snow dog (she's an American Eskimo) but Tony said she actually really was! He said she took to the snow like she's lived in it her whole life, and she had a blast! I could tell by the pictures that she had fun, not to mention that Tony was her best friend for the rest of the day!
Tony said Leila loved making and throwing snowballs at him, and her Uncle Mikey who joined them there.
It's so crazy to me that this is only ten minutes from my house!
And this is officially my new favorite picture. Getting it printed and framed ASAP!
Hopefully it will snow here again soon - I don't want to miss out!
Leila is sooo cute! I wish we got snow :(
It snowed!!!? Wow!! Great pictures :-)
Sooo cool!! I'm totally LOVING this weather! It's unbelievable! Awesome pictures too!
I am officially stealing Leila.
Cutest munchkin on Earth.
I LOVE snow and we haven't even had any here yet! What is up with that?! You beat me us Midwesterns to the snow?! That is crazy. But so fun. Enjoy it and hope your test went well :)
So cute! I am still in shock that we got snow here. Crazy!!!! And, it is so cold. BURRR!!!!!
best pictures ever!!! so jealous!!
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