Friday, February 13, 2015

Three Things - Grammy's Edition

1. Sia/Kristen Wiig/Maddie Ziegler's performance of "Chandelier" at the Grammy's on Sunday. WOW. I love this song, and the video, and this liver performance was just awesome. Who knew Kristen Wiig (in a wig, lol!) had that in her? So good!!

2. Ed Sheeran + John Mayer performing "Thinking Out Loud" at the Grammy's. Swoon!!! Now, I know John Mayer is known to be kind of douchey, but I've always kind of loved him. My friend and I saw him in concert about fifteen years ago, right as he was on the cusp of becoming well known, and he was super cute then, and he's even cuter now. The blue jacket? The pink guitar? The nerdy cute glasses? Yes, yes,yes! Ed Sheeran (while I won't exactly say I find cute....) makes some of the most beautiful music, and I am loving this song so much. Their performance was beautiful! HERE is a full clip, and here's a quick one:

3. Gwen Stefani's Grammy red carpet look. How is this woman aging in complete reverse? WOWZA.

I wasn't, however a huge fan of Gwen and Adam Levine's duet together. I just don't like that song. It's literally the only one on Maroon 5's latest album that I skip. I just think it's not a great song at all, but that's just me.

Did you catch the Grammy's?? Are you a big fan of awards shows?  And what are YOUR three things this week??

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