Monday, April 20, 2015

Mani Monday - Inspired by Anna Rifle Bond

About a week ago, my favorite artist instagrammed this picture, I just loved the dark black background, with the bright flowers and leaves, and the hints of gold and was inspired to do my nails (loosely) based on it. I had some free time while my hair color was processing last week, and started playing with the salon's nail polish and did the base and flower backgrounds of my nails. 

The base color is Bang the Dream, the flowers are Porn-A-Thon, Psycho Candy and Suburban Warrior. When I got home from the salon I added a little more detail. The gold color is Penny Talk, and the greens and black are from my nail stripers kit. (If you don't have stripers, and love nail art I highly recommend THIS kit - super affordable and really great quality!!)

Here is the result:

I'm no artist, and think I was a little overzealous trying to fit so much onto each nail, but it's fun. It looks better from far away, but I am loving it.

What are you wearing this week??

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