Friday, July 8, 2016

Three Things

Sorry for the lack of posts, guys!! WORK and school being out has kept me busy, busy! I am still on Instagram and Snapchat often, but will try to keep up with the blog too! Onto this week's three things...

1. Things all 90's girls kept in their bag. YEP! This video hit the nail on the head for me. Except instead of a Furby maybe a troll doll, and my fragrance of choice from Bath & Body Works was sun-ripened raspberries. What are some of your favorite 90's memories??

 2. Fourth of July! We had so much fun with our sweet little family and friends! What did you guys do?

3. Family time. It's fire season and Tony's been called out at all hours, but we sneak in family time whenever we can. Long live summer!

What are YOUR three things this week??

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