Friday, July 24, 2009

Firefighter-Approved brownies

My husband asked Leila and I to visit him at the station, and requested some brownies. Then he informed me that I should make them "really good" since they get so many baked goods, anything that's not above average doesn't get eaten. The nerve. Well, Leila and I experimented and here's what we came up with:

Firefighter-Approved Brownies (aka Peanut Butter Cup Brownies)

*1 box Ghiradelli brownie mix
*1 egg
*1/3 cup water
*1/3 cup vegetable oil
*6 chopped Reeces Peanut Butter Cups
*1/2 cup melted peanut butter

Mix all ingredients together, and bake in a 8x8 (or 9x9) metal pan for 40 minutes on 325

They turned out yummy. Really yummy. Leila and I were at the station for just about an hour and by the time we left there was less than half a tray left. Try them out next time you need something quick and easy. Yum, yum!


Jill said...

Sounds yummy!!! Thanks for sharing! :)

crisabella said...

Friday night = brownie night.

Thanks for the recipe. YUM-O!

Also, thanks for the amazing giveaway on joy's Hope!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your "Love You to the Moon and Back" necklace!

pick me! pick me! ;)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Oooh, that sounds sooo yummy! Especially the Ghiradelli brownie mix...yum! =)

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Sounds delicious! Anything that involves chocolate and peanut butter can't be bad!

meggie said...

peanut butter cup brownies sound fantastic! thank you for the giveaway at joy's hope--LOVE your work!! :)

missyg said...

Yum...who wouldn't love chocolate and peanut butter. Sounds delish!

I discovered your blog through Joy's Hope. :0)

Wendy said...

If they are Firefighter Approved I bet they are Police Officer Approved as well. I will be making them for work. I am a 911/Police/Fire/EMS dispatcher so I will be making these for the PD and the FD. Gotta keep'em happy. Anything with chocolate and peanut butter will not be around long!

Also, you rock for your amazing giveaway at Joy's Hope! I have Big Puffy heart love for your Faith necklace!

Holli said...

Mmm...sounds delicious! Thansk for your giveaway on Joy's Hope! Just might buy something even if I don't win!

Veronica said...

Those sound great!

I found your site through Julie's Joy's Hope blog.I checked out your ETSY and you necklaces are awesome. I'll have to order one of the my daddy could save your daddy for myself or my sister because our dad is a firefighter too. Thanks for your cute designs!

Elizabeth said...

I will have to try this one!!!! Sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway on JOy's hope. I have 5 month old twins and have been looking for something to put their names on!!!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Saw your giveaway over at Joy's Hope Blog. Love everything in your ETSY Shop!!! Especially the firefighters things.

Jenny said...

I love PB cups! I will be making these ASAP!

Amber said...

Those brownies sound yummy! I might give them a try.

heicoc said...

These sound really yummy! I will have to try them. My kids love it when I shove a whole mini reese cup in the middle of brownie cupcakes...kind of the same idea.

Stephanie C. said...

I will definately be trying these!

Kat said...

How adorable!!! I love brownies and those sound over the top yummy. Love your shop! "I love you to the moon and back" is my FAVORITE!!! Too sweet.

Shelly Primm said...

I found your blog from Joy's Hope! Love your work. My favorite is "my daddy could save your daddy" with the fire hydrant. My father was an engineer with the Charlotte Fire Department for 30 years. I learned early on that the firemen are the first to arrive to each scene and that every time we hear the sirens to say a prayer! In fact, my girls (6 & 4) will shout out a prayer when they hear the sirens. xoxo, Shelly

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...


I love that your girls shout out a prayer when they hear a siren! I'll have to start that with my little one!

: ) Heather

ski said...

Those are my FAVORITE brownies!! Never thought about adding my other favorite thing (peanut butter) to them! SWEET! I will have to give this one a try!

Emily Ann said...

Your little girl is dahhhling! The recipe sounds yummy too!

TheFancyFritter said...

How yummy! I'm coming to your blog from Joy's Hope! Thank you so much for the giveaway! You necklaces are beautiful! Your little girl is so precious as well too! :)

Jeannett said...

Hi! Visitng from the Joys Hope blog!

ldemello said...

oooh - YUMMY!!! your jewelry is gorgeous too!!

Anonymous said...

OHHH that sounds yummy!!!!!!! I will def. have to make that!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

Angie Mae said...

Oh, sounds so good! I'm going out to get the ingredients now!

I love your shop. I've put you on my wish list.

Cathy said...

So glad I stumbled on your blog from Joy's Hope. Do you make hockey necklaces?

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...

Hi Cathy!

I've been on the hunt for some cute hockey charms for a while but haven't yet found any. I'm still searching, though - my husband plays hockey :)


Jen said...

oh the pressure! i don't bake well under pressure ;o)

gdyup said...

These sound yummy! Visiting from Joy's Hope! Love your jewlery!


Michelle said...

These sounds great, I may have to give them a try!

Jamie Lynn said...

Cute pics! I saw your giveaway on Joys hope Blog! Love the stuff you make! I really love the Follow Your Heart one!!!!!Thanks for a chance to win!
Jamie Harris

Aurora said...

Yum, those sound good...I may have to make them tonight to take to my in-laws. BTW, I found you through Joy's Hope...thanks gor the giveaway! Your necklaces are too cute!

Kay said...

Sounds delicious!! Thanks for sharing. :)

Gorby family blog said...

These sound delicious! I have to take a dessert to a meeting next week and I think I'll try these!

I found you through Joy's Hope. Love your work!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the generous giveaway and for the YUMMY brownie recipe!!!

Mary Beth said...

mmmm! got here from joy's hope...hoping to win!

Celeste said...

That sounds DELISH!! Saving this for later.... :)

Anonymous said...

Totally making this tonight!! Thanks- my guys love peanut butter cups!

Bonus Mom said...

Wow does that bring back memories!!! My Grandpa was a firefighter and my step dad was a firefighter. We spent many a nights having dinner at the station. So much fun and great memories. My step dad retired before my daughter was a year old so sadly no more climbing on the the trucks and riding in the parades for us. Thanks for making those memories fresh again :) (my husband is in the police academy now, but somehow I doubt we can hang out at the station with the officers ;) LOL )

Carrie said...

mmm I think I am going to have to make some of these!!

Brooke said...

Oh they sound super yummy! I love the pictures...too cute!
Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Have a Happy week!


Tara said...

ok im sooo trying these! i love PB and chocolate combos!

Cindi said...

can't wait to try this recipe. pb and choc. yum!!!!!!!!

SAM said...

I heart you!! I came to your blog today looking for some treats to make for our local firefighters (and hoping to find something EASY). Thank you!!


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