Saturday, August 22, 2009

Flap Happy

Here's hoping that Leila doesn't change her mind before October 31 because tonight we picked her up this very cute flapper costume. I think the swish factor won her over! I know Halloween is a ways off, but there were only two left in her size and she loved it!

My fingers are crossed that she doesn't change her mind at the last minute like she did last year. Her very cute skunk costume was already here, tags off and tried on when she saw a ballerina costume she had to have. Fortunately the ballerina costume was half off and pretty dang cute.

We'll see if Leila is actually a flapper this Halloween! What is your little one planning on being?


Anonymous said...

lol. Halloween is my fave holiday!!! I love to go all out for the girls... this year Chloe (the 6yr old) decided that its a toss up between: a sparkly witch, rainbow bright, orrrrrrr spiderman (her crush)... Sorry sweetie, but thats a big no on the spider man! ha! I am thinking this year both girls will be sparkly witches! Ha!

the thorntons said...

soooo cute hope she sticks with it! Ds gonna be a firefighter I think ;)

SAM said...

That is so cute!! I haven't bought anything yet. About a month ago, Carter said he wanted to be a monkey. A few weeks later, he wanted to be a choo choo train conductor and I was totally onboard with that one. Overalls, hat - easy, comfortable, cute. But lately, he is demanding to be James from Thomas the train. The costume is totally cheesy and I hope he changes his mind back to conductor.


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