Monday, August 3, 2009

Just Peachy

Leila looked at our fruit basket and picked out a snack. When I asked her how it tasted, here's what she said: "Mama, this is a PEACH. There is a big pit inside and you DON'T eat it. If you don't finish it put it in the compost, NOT the trash."

Hmm...I remember telling her the exact same yesterday. It was actually a nectarine, but hey, who am I to argue with a cute 2-year-old giving me a lesson on fruit?


Lo said...

got to teach them while their young :)

Steffens Family said...

She is just beautiful and smart too! Cooper has been warning me not to waste energy - It was cute the first time but not as much when I hear it several times a day :)

Tiffany said...

She is so cute Heather!!

Gina said...

The compost...not the trash...I LOVE HER!

Lisa said...


Tara said...

lol she cracks me up!


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