Monday, August 10, 2009

Naptime Shenanigans

It's days like today where Leila is really lucky she's cute. She was in her room for naptime for two hours today- only 45 minutes were spent sleeping. She kept coming out for one thing or another, when I finally had to tell her if she's not sleepy she at least has to quietly read books until I come in and get her. I don't think there was any book reading.....

She decided to re-decorate with some hangers: Set up a tea party for some of her friends:
And she told me that she couldn't sleep because Meow kept climbing:
*Sigh* All I can say is I hope tonight is not a repeat of naptime.


Dolce Baci said...

I love it! Kids are so funny...thanks for your sweet comment on our blog!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I love it! It reminds me of my oldest Chloe when she was little!! My youngest Kylie will have the chance to do it soon when we switch her to her big girl bed! =)

Tiffany said...

Ahhh so darn CUTE!! I love that she had a tea party!

Tara said...

LMAO! love it!

Heather | Cookie Mondays said...

haha! so cute!

the thorntons said...

I love the tea party, and that you captured it all on film LOL.

Marta @ Haus of Girls said...

That is SO cute! Love it!


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