Tony: "How was the movie?"
Leila: "I couldn't like it."
Tony: "Why couldn't you like it?"
Leila: "I can't like it until I'm older."
Tony: "Maybe when you're three?"
Leila: "No, that's too soon."
Tony: "Maybe when you're four?"
Leila: (annoyed) "No! Maybe when I'm sixty."
According to Leila she can also chew gum when she's sixty.
Silly girl.
Ooooh, she's SO cute!! Love that. Little ones senses of time are funny, 3 to 60 is a big jump. ;)
This totally cracks me up! Gotta love her!
Your little princess is really very sweet and I must say very smart!!!She has her own ideas and principals from now,that's great I think))But anyway by the time she'll realize that gum chewing is age-free)))))))))
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