Friday, April 18, 2014

Three Things

1. Cute pink gingham parchment paper. If you're going to use it anyways, why not go for the cute stuff?

2. My cute matching girls. They love to match (and I'm going to embrace it for as long as possible!) and whenever they're matching they sing "The Matching Girls" song, which they made up long ago. I happened to catch it on video yesterday. (Dresses from Target. They're currently sold out at my store, but still available online, and they're super cute in person!)

3. My charge key! This little bad boy hangs on my key chain, so it's with me wherever I go, and I now always have an iPhone charger with me. It came in perfectly handy the other day when I was at my parent's house and my phone was dead. Plugged it into their computer, and charged up my phone. Pretty cool! It comes in key-shaped too.

What are YOUR three things this week?? And what are your Easter plans? Be sure to let me know in the comments section :)

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