Wednesday, April 16, 2014

the reason behind shutting my shop's doors + one last chance for lippies (aka insane deals!)

Edited to add: this blog isn't going anywhere! I love blogging too much to leave it. This post just talks about how I'm closing my shop.

Friends, the time has officially come for me to shut the doors on the Glitter and Gloss shop.

I've had a lot of fun with it, but quite frankly (being brutally honest here) there are so many amazing companies that I truly, truly love that do lip products (and all makeup) incredibly well. That is their full focus, and some have invested millions (or more) dollars into perfecting their formulas and colors, and inventing new ones.  I just don't want to even try to compete anymore.

I feel good about shutting the doors on my shop. Since first starting it I've been able to donate a lot of money, raised by various lip products (to pancreatic cancer research, uterine cancer research, breast cancer survivor's fund, and to the burn foundation started by my husband's fire department.) I have even been lucky enough to contribute my products to swag bags for cancer survivors. I feel good about doing what I have been able to do, thanks to my little company, and I feel confident that now is the time for me to shut this store down.

This lippie business has been a lot of work, but not truly my passion and it's time to let it go.

As I've mentioned before I've started up with Stella & Dot again - and (for this stage of my life, at least) it is my passion. I've had a huge love and admiration for this company since their beginnings, and I'm so happy to jump right in where I left off years ago. Saying goodbye to my own personal shop will allow me more time to focus on Stella & Dot, and to focus on what has always been my number one priority, my family.

Now, the good news for you in all of this is I'm practically giving away my remaining stock. I've hooked you guys up with some sweet deals, that are below my own personal cost, and I hope you guys will be excited! I am currently offering two different types of grab bags. You can purchase either a 3-item grab bag (guaranteed value of $60, a combination of lipsticks, lip glosses or lip glazes) for only $25, or a 5-item grab bag (again, a combo of five products - lipsticks, lip glosses or lip glazes, with a guaranteed value of $100) for only $40. I am anticipating that these will sell out, so you might want to snag a grab bag quickly.

Now, for the fine print - This is a grab bag. Do not buy if you're not ok getting anything Glitter and Gloss has had to offer. This includes a range of shades and finishes. All grab bag sales are final, and unfortunately no special requests can be made You're getting a sweet deal, and I'm pretttttty sure you're going to be *quite* happy with it! ;) Remember how fun it used to be to buy a grab bag at the Sanrio Surprise/Hello Kitty store?? How excited you were to tear into it, and see what you got? Think of it like that.

Thank you all for always supporting me, and if you have any questions, shoot me an email or comment.


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