Nine years ago today Tony and I officially became a couple. It all started the first day of school my sophomore year, Tony's senior year. We had become friends the previous year in ceramics class and even went to the Sadie Hawkins dance together, but lost touch over the summer. Then the first day of school came...I had a sassy new haircut, Tony was looking good...we started talking, and before the first school bell rang he asked me to the homecoming dance which was more than a month away. Of course I said yes - he was an older man, and a football player! So we went on a handful of dates before homecoming, and started flirting more and more. Then the dance came. We went to Frankie, Johnnie and Luigi's for dinner - he cleaned his plate and mine! Then came the dance...we danced all night, and the dj announced that song he was playing would be the last. A few minutes later Tony kissed me. Then I asked if this meant we were "more than friends." A big smile spread across his face, and he said "I hope so." I kissed him back, and we've been kissing ever since.
As they say, the rest is history.

Those are the flowers I got for our nine year "dating" anniversary. They are beautiful, and Tony said Leila picked them out. She's got good taste, just like her mama!
I love your blog !!
I think this is such a great idea. You are such a talented girl. I am so glad you met the love of your life 9 years ago. We sure do love him too. And what can I say about Leila... I adore that baby girl. I don't think there is a grandma on this planet that loves their granddaughter as much as I love her. Pua, you are an awesome wife and mommy. I am really proud of you. Love,
awww!! That made me smile. :)
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