**Sorry for the weird picture spacing - I can't undo it!**
I feel like this house is finally a home! We've got most of our pictures up, and have finally added some of our personal touches. Mine and Tony's room is still pretty much a blank canvas, and Leila's room is a work in progress, but we are getting there. Since moving into a house Tony and I are officially grown ups. Does getting married and having a baby make you a grown up? Nope. But buying furniture does! We bought: a new bed (headboard and footboard,) mattress/boxspring, couch, loveseat and wine cabinet. We also got some really beautiful, almost brand new office furniture. So, as requested, here are some pictures:
Our Room:
Well, it's not our entire room, but just a picture of our new bed.
Like I said it's still a work in progress. We still haven't put up her curtain, pictures or shelves. Also, I ordered some removable wall stickers in hot pink, chocolate brown and white (polka dots) that I will put on the wall her crib is against. Her bedroom (and ours too!) is a lot smaller than her room in the apartment, so everything is a little cramped. Oh, well.
Leila's Bathroom:
The den:
It is so nice to have an extra room! I love that we don't have the computer on the dining room table anymore! We were generously given the beautiful furniture in this room! (The chair was already ours.)

Our Room:
Well, it's not our entire room, but just a picture of our new bed.

Leila's Room:

Leila's Bathroom:
Normally I wouldn't add pictures of a bathroom, because...well, a bathroom is just a bathroom.
But, this weekend my mom and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and found the cutest set for Leila's bathroom. It's called "Hazel" by Roxy, and you can see the detail of the print at: www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?order_num=-1&sku=110569

The den:

The Living Room:
When we first moved in the wall that the couch is against was covered in hideous wallpaper. I don't remember what color the rest of the room was painted, but I didn't like it, so Tony and my Dad painted it the lovely color I bought. I love our new couch and loveseat, and the lamps are Tiffany-style lamps from Target.

The Kitchen:
I really like our kitchen. If you saw our old kitchen, you know why...there's room! Now, the cabinets look like they were put in by a giant mountain man (seriously, they look like they belong in a cabin in Twain Harte for a bunch of 6-feet-tall guys!) but I love how much room I have. I also love the big window! I can snoop on the neighbors while doing the dishes.

The Front Door:
We have a pretty stained-glass door. It is accented by the pumpkins, gourds and indian corn we got from Joan's Pumpkin
Patch last week.
We have a pretty stained-glass door. It is accented by the pumpkins, gourds and indian corn we got from Joan's Pumpkin

And last, but not least...the backyard:
Ramon is crazy for his new backyard! He hot laps, and leaps across the grass. He also loves when Tony rakes the leaves into a big pile. The pile never lasts too long once Ramon sees it!

The new digs look BEAUTFIUL! :) Wanna come over and help me with my house?! ;)
Looks fabulous!!! I'll have to peek on over during thanksgiving!
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