First off, I filled up the Advent calendar -

thanks for all of the great suggestions! In the pockets I put things like Little People, Christmas socks, nail polish and nail decals, candy, chapstick, Christmas tree room spray, and little notes, like: "let's bake cookies today", "let's pick out our Christmas tree today!", "let's watch a Christmas movie together!" Leila is having fun taking things out every morning, but is not understanding why she can't take everything out all at once!

Second, I've been finding some GREAT things for people at Marshalls, TJ Maxx and Ross! (Ross is hit or miss, but I always have luck at the other two.) One of my most recent, and most exciting discoveries was a set of Kate Spade sterling silver little girl's flatware for more than half off.

I lurve all things Kate Spade, and remember getting *so* excited when I'd open a present at one of my wedding showers and see a Kate Spade box under the wrapping! I cherish my Kate Spade stemware! I know it's silly to buy sterling silver flatware for Leila, but honestly - it's Kate Spade, it's pink and it was über cheap, considering. My hubby asked if this was going to be a new tradition - me buying something by Kate Spade for Leila every year. I told him no, because it could be a potentially very expensive tradition, but if I continue to find things at discount stores, you never know!
Lastly, it's kind of ridiculous how excited I am about these shoes. I found them yesterday at Nordstrom and couldn't resist! Leila loved getting her foot measured and was in heaven trying on all sorts of shoes (she is so my daughter!) I was good and only bought one pair, and boy what a cute pair they are! Leila had a pair of Converse crib shoes, and will now have some big girl Converse! Being Leila they are of course pink and glittery!
What fab Christmas finds have you had this year?
I love this post and again, you are just so crafty, Heather! I have gotten so many great ideas from you and will probably steal this one as well (The Avent Calendar!).
I, too adore all things Kate Spade and just LOVE that flatwear you got... how do you keep finding such amazing deals?!?!?! haha It's perfect for Leila, so like her. :) I don't think designer flatwear for a toddler is silly AT ALL... unless I am silly, too because David got Emily a flatwear set from Tiffany as my "push present" and I have since purchased her a matching plate and cup! Oh well, I'll just be silly because I lOVE it!
Oh! I also wanted to comment on the Converse: we are BIG Converse fans in this house, Emily has gone through 6 pairs (2 crib shoes and 4 with velcro) and only recently have we moved to the very big girl laces and she has done really great - she never tries to untie them! Good luck with yours and happy holidays!!!
OMG the little kids flatware is SO cool! I'm going to have to hunt for something like that for the boys. I'm glad you had fun filling the calendar with lots of goodies! :)
LOVE love love your advent calender!!!!!
and the shoes I love em!!! So cute Maile needs a pair of those converse!!!!
Christmas deals got 3 fleece outfits from gymbos black friday sales with an additional 20% off too... and gymbucks I call it a deal =)
omg i looooove kate spade and i am in loove with that flatware! so flippin cute! and those converse are to die for. im so jealous.
LOVE the Kate Spade flatware! What a fun find! And the calendar is so creative, so you!
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