Friday, June 2, 2017

Three Things

1. THIS breakdown of 14 big-batch cocktails that won't break the budget. Summer is unofficially officially here, and with that LOTS of summer gatherings! I feel like at minimum once a week we are going to a BBQ at friends, or hosting something ourselves. We always provide adult bevvies and I am for sure going to be trying out some of these. I think the first I'll be making is that Blackberry Whiskey Lemonade. Yum!

2. Travel Ball. We resisted the last three summers, but finally let Leila play travel tournament softball over the summer. She is a darn good pitcher, and she's loved playing softball in the recreational league, but is ready to step up her game. She had her first tournament last weekend and has already made fast friends with all of the girls on her team. I think travel ball will provide her with a lot of great playing time, but also a lot of great memories and friendships. Our wallets are now a lot lighter, and our weekends don't seem like they'll ever be free again, but I'm looking forward to this fun, new chapter!

3. Lauren Conrad came out with a swimwear line for Kohl's, and it is SO cute!! It's really reasonably priced, and I'm especially digging THIS cute one-piece, although I don't know how it would be for us busty girls!

What are YOUR three things this week?

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