Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Petite name necklaces + who wants one for free?!

 By popular demand, my petite name necklaces are back! They were one of the very first things I did, but since I've seen them EVERYWHERE I stopped listing them, and only did them as custom requests, but there have been so many requests that I decided to just put them back in my shop! Check 'em out here, here and here.

Do you want a free one*?!?!?If you do, just leave a comment on this post.

Want some bonus entries? You know you do! Here's how to get them:

*become an official follower of this blog - upper right hand corner (if you already are, leave a comment saying so)

*follow me on twitter (again, if you already do leave a comment saying so)

*post about this giveaway on your blog, twitter or facebook (one entry for each)

*send me a picture (angelfacedesigns AT gmail DOT com) wearing a piece of Angel Face Designs jewelry!!

Giveaway will end next Tuesday, September 29 around 5:00 pm  Giveaway closed: Congrats to the Dolce Baci Boutique!

Good luck!!

*free Petite name necklace can have up to three discs


Anonymous said...

me! me! me!! Love these.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I follow you on twitter. <3

Anonymous said...

Twittered. =)

Cynthia said...

i heart this necklace. it would be perfect with my kids names on it ;)

Cynthia said...

I follow your blog....

Cynthia said...

i follow you on twitter ;)

Gina said...

Hook it up, girl!! I really want one!!

Gina said...

And I am a follower.

I can't check twitter from work, but if I'm not following you on there yet, I will when I get home. (I'll leave another comment then!!)

Anonymous said...

I've been drooling over your work for a long time - and I'd love to win a piece!!

And I'm a follower now too : )

Gina said...

I posted about it too! :)

Brittany said...

Oh, I'd love one with my husband's name on it! He's serving in the army national guard right now and I MISS HIM.

Following you too!

Nicole said...

love it!

Nicole said...

also a twitter follower. ♥

Flat Foot Flewzy said...

My Mom would love this so much!

Flat Foot Flewzy said...

I follow your blog. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Love this necklace!! I clicked over from Gina's post :)

Anonymous said...

oh & I now follow :)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Oh, I love it! Please, pick me!! =)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

I am also an "official follower"! =)

Aurora said...

so cute! thanks for the giveaway!

Aurora said...

I am already a follower

Steffens Family said...

I love these and must have one!

Steffens Family said...

I am already a follower of your blog! :)

Steffens Family said...

I just started following you on twitter!

And to comment on the second pregnancy. My first was a boy and I carried him very differently from #2 (my girl).

Steffens Family said...

Posting your giveaway on my blog as we speak!

Rachel said...

I want one of these!! And I am a follower of the blog.

Amanda said...

I heart your necklaces! K needs one!!!

Veronica said...

I would love one of these! They're adorable!

Gina said...

Okay, NOW I am following you on twitter! I thought I already was!

Anonymous said...

I heart Angel Face Designs and all your giveaways!

- I am a follower of your blog
-I am a follower on twitter
-I posted about the giveaway on Facebook
-and myspace
- and twitter

:o) YAY!!

Steffens Family said...

Facebook - done

Lo said...

I LOVE these!!! I wear min all the time. Must find a pic to email to you. :)

Lo said...

Im already a follower

Lo said...

sent you an email!!

Reynolds11103 said...

Love this! It is gorgeous!! Thanks so much!!

Reynolds11103 said...

I am now following you as well!!

Stephanie C. said...

I follow you on twitter!

Stephanie C. said...


Kelly said...

I follow your blog!

Kelly said...

I'd love one!

Kelly said...

Posted to my blog!
And I follow you on Twitter..

Ashley Newell said...

I would love to be entered!

Ashley Newell said...

And I follow you on Twitter

Ashley Newell said...

I tweeted too. :) Except I'm soooooo lame and don't know how to retweet.

Ashley Newell said...

My twitter posts to FB too, does that count?

janessa said...

I follow the blog!

janessa said...

I follow you on twitter!

janessa said...

I twittered! Tweeted!?

Kelli said...

I have always wanted an Angel Face necklace!! I hope I win. Pick me, pick me! :)

Kelli said...

I Facebooked this too! :)

Kelli said...

Oh- and I am an official follower here now too!! :)

Kelli said...

I don't Twitter, but if I did I would twitter-tweet with you.

Sophie said...

Ooh - I want one!

Sophie said...

I follow your blog.

Sophie said...

And I follow you on twitter. =]

missyg said...

These are darling and of course I would love one! :)

missyg said...

I follow your blog.

Lisa said...

I would love to win!

Lisa said...

Absolutely a follower!

Anonymous said...

I'm following you on twitter now :)

Anonymous said...

I want one!!! To give my sister :) She's due in 17 days!

Anonymous said...

I'm a blog follower too!

Anonymous said...

facebooked your link!

The Shmoopies said...

I can't believe I wasn't following before but I am now! :)

The Shmoopies said...

I am following you on Twitter now too! Woot!

The Shmoopies said...

Okay, I commented on facebook too! :)

Lara said...

Finally an official follower :)

Melissa said...

I would love one!

Kristen said...

super cute! love it!

Kristen said...

i follow your blog

Kristen said...

i follow you on twitter

Carrie said...

Cute necklace! ~ I'd love to win!!

Dolce Baci said...

OMG! Those are adorable! I would love to win such a fabulous giveaway!

Dolce Baci said...

I'm a follower!!


design + development by kelly christine studio